Thursday 5 April 2012

Critique Challenge!!

This TV advertisement is using theme by family live in Malaysia. The visual has been show are more likely beautiful in nature with using beautiful landscape of nature in environment kampung (village) and the people who live in there have a simple life but not really so poor because they have house and land for living. And they also have idea to keep on their way for living lives. This video are showing life among the people in harmony village. Although they live in harmony way with no war or state of emergency like other place, they have to fight other current specifically they need to find money, raise their children, saving for future or other thing like that. Criteria has been set on subjectivism which mean i can discover with my own opinion or my experience.
Audience should be feel funny at the begin this video clip because this TV advertisement show behaviour father and son. This clip showing the behaviour children who ask for his father to buy something for him, but the father act with funny way with speech which can influence the audience feeling but the words have been said from the father have a deep meaning but the children still a boy, cant understand so much what his father means. This action for a few seconds can make a people smile or laugh for short time and i hope the audience can know what he meaning in the father words.

The audience should take benefits and use it in real life. And i mean it! Since this video clip show “Aiman” the childen who can recycle trash and design it with his way and after 8 years, he become famous in his village with his ability can repair or fix things and he also can design or build some machine. So many people go to his house and ask for help to repair the items. Audience should take benefits from this moment to ask themselves, what ability do you have? What you can do with your ability? This question should be arise in their feeling. Other criteria is people also should be touching with parents sacrifice for bring happiness to their children. Audience should sense this automatically when see this clip video and should give effect to themselves to remember sacrifice from parents or the eldest siblings, who always help and support with money or energy for our success in this life.

And the last is audience should be able not to forget the origins where we came from and who we are until forever. At the last few seconds, “Aiman” who was kid back earlier has become a man and successful person and he never forget his origins other wise he has become successful person. He do not forget his parents sacrifice for him. People should always remember parents sacrifice from kids-age until become adult and always tried their best to give us better life.

This criteria will be more effect to the audience with combination emotion like happiness, sadness, suprise, disguist, anger or anything else. And with other criteria of evaluation with emotivism, objectivism and relativerism made this critique be perfect and message from advertisement video also can communicate with audience’s feeling about what meaning in this video. Then, i hope this video can send their message to the audience correctly and audience got effect from this video.


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